I’m Mike, owner of Wildwood Lawn Care, LLC. I want to thank you for taking the time to look us up. We have been in business since 2005 and we specialize in residential properties. I feel that I can offer the best service when I know my customers personally. I have found that the best way to serve my customers is to find out what they expect from their lawn care company, what I would expect. Communication is key. When you call or text, I do my best to answer the phone. If I can’t, I try to respond within a couple of hours. I don’t require a contract; if you are not satisfied with our service, you’re not committed to keep us. I try to make invoicing and payments as convenient as possible, eliminating paper whenever possible. Thank you for considering us for your lawn and landscape needs.

For a quote, contact us
at (860) 759-2432 or Send Email us at wildwoodlawns@gmail.com

I am so blessed to be able to do what I do. I love working outside under the sun, in the grass and the dirt. I acknowledge that it’s not for everyone, but I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. The opportunity to build relationships with my customers has been rewarding and that keeps me motivated to be the best I can be.